Sunday, October 23, 2005

Evicting the tenant from Hell

This is sort of real estate story. File it under landlord-tenant relations.

Anyone who has been a landlord dreads the occasional tenant from Hell. One such moved in on me yesterday.

A pocupine trapped under one's shed, and two terriers, is not a happy combination. After a quick trip to the vet to get facefuls of quills removed, I returned to evict my unwelcome tenant.

How do you chase out a pocupine from under a shed that's 15 feet long and only about six inches above the ground? Like the vet said, when I asked him how he managed to neuter such a creature for the Alaska Zoo, you do it "very carefully".

A pocupine when challenged just rolls itself into a ball. But with the window-washing pole extended full-lengeth it was possible to shove and prod him to the the other end of the shed. Then running around the building with a rake, quickly before he moved farther back under, I dragged him out into the yard.

There he crouched in a ball. Silly creature. I just plopped a garbage can over him. Then I shoved the lid under the can and righted the now closed can, safely covered over. Lastly, it was down the road to show him off to the neighbor children, who then trooped after me to our neighboring 50 area undeveloped tract where we could let him go.

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